Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: 2 ideas
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We've all been hearing the dumb stories of people guessing other peoples passwords and whatnot lately so I think it would be a good idea to make the logins more secure by having a 5 try limit of entering your name and password. If you get your name and password wrong after 5 tries (which you would have to be stupid to actually do) then you wont be able to login for say...a half hour or so. Lot's of other sites have this, and this would be a great way to prevent people guessing your password. You could already have this but i wouldnt know because it's never taken me 5 tries before. If so, then disregaurd this.

My other idea... I know lot's of people that play MC have a 56k connection (i do) and one thing that frusterates me more than anything is when my computer get's stuck on loading someones videoclip avatar. Most of the time it wont let me load the next page without finishing loading the avatar (which can take a few minutes sometimes). This has caused me to be HI'ed and miss races, etc. And for a serious player like myself these things can be crucial. So my idea was to have an option to be able to choose weather or not you want to view other peoples avatars.

That is all, let me know what you think.

I like your avatar idea...it would help me as im on a crappy computer sometime and this lags like crazy
On the avatar idea, if they couldn't have a view avatar on/off switch, perhaps limiting the FILE SIZE would help.
Honestly, How good is it for bandwidth if several ppl have a 1MB+ avatar. Sure it may be funny, but it can take forever on some connections to load. Same with the forums.
I say get rid of avatars completely.
Quote:I say get rid of avatars completely.
i agree theyre pretty useless unless people use them for crews even then havin an avatar so small you cant really make anything fancy
i think both the ideas are good, especially the second one...thats a great idea.
Yer the second idea is good .... i definally agree because i encounter the same problem ... first idea is kinda sketchy because if you just wanted to annoy someone you could continously lock up there account... but all in all i like the ideas
To help with the Avatar issue, you can turn off images in your browser settings. For IE, goto Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab, and scroll down to Multimedia: Show Pictures. For Firefox, goto Tools > Options > Web Features: Load Images.
Firefox has a neat little feature that allows images to be loaded for the originating website only. This will allow the images for MC to be loaded (like the menu etc), but nothing hosted off site (like images via imageshack etv). Works really well.
those ideas are pretty good..the only problem is what happens when u get locked out cuz someone else is trying to guess your pw...then u cant play for half hour jus cuz of that...people will use that against people... Cool
Thanks, i never knew about that. The only problem with it though is that it doesnt show the persons status, which makes things a little difficult. But it works, just a little too well.

Lude- yeah, i never thought about that. The only way it would work would be if no one knew anyones sign in name.
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