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Full Version: Me n Bro cant race?
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Me and my brother have been trying to race each other, why cant we? It always says we cant race no matter how many credits or money or anything we have... Were on separate computers, but on the same network... is that why?
its to "try" and stop multis but mah lol
its been like that for as long as i can remember
some people in the same city or that have the same ISP cant race cuz there IP's are to close
Animal and I have this problem sometimes and we aren't even in the same city lol. It is because your internet connection is seen by the web as ONE IP address, so to try and stop people from racing themselves with a multi CI has stopped you from being able to race someone coming from the same IP as you are.
Yeap... it is a bit of a PITA for sure. My Dad can't even play anymore, as he got suspended cause they thought my Dad and I were multis. "WHICH WE ARE NOT!" My Dad has not been able to play for a couple of rounds now, and he never got a response to as why either... We did try to race each other yes, my Dad was trying to help me up my NW, no different then others giving others huge amounts of cash before.
man... that sucks...
me n my brother tan r on same network at times

we can race each other lol

its called advanced routing, split ur static ip so as u can race each other
romeo knws all ....
garrrrrrrr mozilla garrrrrrrrrrr
TheJMan Wrote:romeo knws all ....
even i could've said wat romeo sed..
either get a router or a proxy..
just dont tell noone where you got those Wink
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