Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: how many of u would like more colour in the game ?
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the pic is cool and all but thats not really what this game is all about. people like this game because of what it is, not what the login screen is. but nice pic!
i like the idea santos, it's a start Big Grin
in midnitechallenge the main colours are mostly red and greay and yellow and that has no life i would like to see white red light blue orange GREEENNNNNNNN and my fav pink the more ppl that see that is has more life more colour the more they are attracted to it
take of west coast customs and make where u can se loggin box's it would be cool but i need help to top 25 lol
lol then post in my post top25....
did u just take that out of the west coast costums website
hahaahah!! iono how late i am but oh wells..
aahah this guys funny..wow how random..
a picture frm West Coast Custom ....yo man Midnitechallenge has its own sexy color red black and grey and white....
why would anyone wanna change that? :p
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