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Full Version: new stat idea
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have a new stat that's has total amount of time signed on MC so we can really see who spends the most time playing this game.
wouldn't work
liltreadburn Wrote:wouldn't work

why not its pretty simple to put in

id done it on loads of site before only logs the time your on
No offence but I could honestly care less how long someone is on. But I guess just cause it isn't important to me doesn't mean it isn't a good idea to some.

Stats I would like to see though:

Team leader told who gained cms and lost them. Yes I understand that crews are about trust but this would be useful information.

A cm column added to your history. Kinda hard to tell how your production is doing when there is more than just you online and racing.

Would be kinda cool to be able to click your incurred damages and see what they got from you the way it does when you first hi someone.

Anyone wanna sell me a decent bow? rofl, so many archers it's like getting hawker gear in Rose was :p
The CM gain/lost thing, I think Cres is having trouble putting the code in for that cause we've been wanting it for a long time now
calder12 Wrote:No offence but I could honestly care less how long someone is on.

couldn't agree more
JDMAccord02 Wrote:The CM gain/lost thing, I think Cres is having trouble putting the code in for that cause we've been wanting it for a long time now

yeh by far the best idea not implemented. cbr made needs to be added to that also Smile
peeps would jus stay online all day and night and not even be at their comp...they would jus leave their comp on...that doesnt prove anything...
the only thing that it proves is that you have NO LIFE lol
hahahahaha.... true dat...
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