I think it would be nice if we could log into the game after the round finishes simply to see our stats. The end of this game is so frantic trying to work or hit with seconds left, buy more cals cruise a bit more. I don't know about the others that were taking their shot at a win but I know I didn't get to actually see how much I made working or who hit me or anything.
I don't know if it is possible to allow us to log in for say 24 hours after the game period ends, and have the actual game play disabled or not, but if it is possible it would sure be nice
i was about to write something like this but you got to it first, cause i too want to see my total thefts at the end and stats and crap like that, so if this would be possible, i agree 100%
thats actually a greta idea
if there some way to just be able to log into the the garage page or w/e its called lol (the first page when you log in) that would kick ass then there wouldnt be 5-10 thread of "who got first" lol
I like the idea becuase i have yet to find out my id thing
Love it man great idea ...now u being a mod and all hit ray up 4 it lol
hell yea this is an idea for your ass ray if you dont do this 1 damn this will be the best idea wasted yet!!!!!
yes i have thought about this one before i think its a great idea and if its easy to do i think it should be done just to c whats up u do get to c the currant stats but thts not any gd i wanna c my stuff lol
i like this idea
but i <3 cadler more
great idea...would be very convenient if it is done
agreed 100%...i wanna know if i beat the person in 1000th place