Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: Happiness meter for crew models?
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Hey how about having happiness meters for models in th crew garages? like make it so you can know when you going to lose them and make them able to go up with the averages of everyone in the crews happiness for their models!
Is anyone going to agree or disagree or some constructive critacism? lol because no1 has said anything about it! Please say something!

No seriously lol. The reason I think this doesn't exist is the cms aren't based on happiness. Gaining or losing them is based on your own stats and how you work. So adding this would mean recoding the cm algorithm. Not saying it is a bad idea though lol
Oh just saying so that people with bad W/L ratios can know when to work and when not to...(I.E. ME! lol)
lol meh
bad win loss is irrelevant

offline wins. Minimum 5-10 better 10-20 Immediately before working. Don't work small amounts of creds, the more the better, but I personally think at least 400.
oh i kno that much i always use 1000 but i have only about 50+ percent and i can never EVER get anywhereclose to 100
Yeah but I have a number of friends with very low ratios that can't either. All you need is the offline wins before you work, get enough and you're fine Wink
you have a good ratio rick?
good? nah not really too many times burnt out tires or reliability of .70 when I log back in, is .80 I think