Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: Will DD get 1000 HI?
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Just curious if DD can get 1000 HI before this session ends....hhmm.. Confusedmirk:
lol i'll bet that he can.lol.. especially now that u posed the question.lol.. there is sum guy runnin around with a crew named "all hail Dan Danger" .lol!! good shiet.lol :crazy:
heee.hee...if DD ever reads the forum...... I would really like to see this happen...imagine 1000 HIs!
DD ain't reading this forum...DD don't even play...


Dan doesnt play then whos on his account? Who have i been talking to while hes online hitting? He barely reads these forums.
omg, its not DAN, its monte!!!! hey, u never noe
It depends on how many creds he buys.
Quote:omg, its not DAN, its monte!!!! hey, u never noe

monte can't hit worth shizzat! :p hehe
i wonderd why zura had been on the low this round....
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