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shmedvig Wrote:people were bitching about who was winning. remember? it was the people that were being "chosen" to win so 10 people were dumping networth to them. that caused a lot of bitching.
that was ONE reason but ppl were also bitching about the exp too
plus the chosen winners thing was going on for as long as i can remember. it wasnt just a rev2 thing
Wasn't it like 5~6 sessions ago when someone "took" the top spot because he hit the top person in the last few seconds and took the lead and everyone was on the forums bitching because of it.
meh, who knows... i just want to something back to keep me/us entertained. mc sure seems to be loosing it's bubble. what had me entertained the most were those pink slips with the old exp system we were talking about. i know a lot agree as well..
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