i made level 47 last session
i know how to keep cms and work like hell. please...
my leader disbanded to join up with another crew.
i disbanded because noone in our crew had logged on, and my goals this round dont make for a top crew. sorry
whats your in-game name...send me your stats
just kuz u wer lvl 47 dosnt mean top crews are going to want you ....
i've noticed. noone wants to give me a chance at proving myself.
oh well.
dude ive been here for like 5 sessions... still no go, it will happen one day... just wait... let it go man, it aint worth it...lol
dude i've been here for over 3 years. you'd think by then you'd have at least one medal.
its a fuckin medel on a text based game who gives a fuck if u get it or dont
Haha I care for one, what does any achievement in this life mean anything if we're going to die eventually and enough time will wipe away any memory of us?? :wink:
ohwussup i feel your pain dude, most top crews want people with memberships
but G_I_Joe was starting a noob crew, i know you're not noob but you should hit him up, he may be what you need to give you a shot.
the 8k networth guy? O__O