I think bought credits should not count against your credit max since they are bought... it would be a waste if say you bought credits and only got them sometime you were not on cuz no other credits were able to be built up
What does everyone think?
I think there should be a seperate credit counter..
if you purchase 12k credits and can't use them all at that time, and had to log off for a while, you still lose your credits that you get every 5 minutes..
agreed it just would be a waste if you got it overnight.... def should be a seperate counter
a few people already have addressed this and im just waiting for raymond to get back on.
Ill address it to him when he comes back :roll:
sorry never knew it was adressed before
Wasn't talked about on forums, more over MSN..
oh it was pander. look at mc cahnges and game started thread.
It was also addressed on msn just like you said. :roll:
how much is it to bye creds?
Click on Upgrade in game
ok but im dont got credit cards