Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: some ideas...
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could we make it so you could change display name and crew names sooner then 7 days? like maybe 3? also maybe a way to see sent messages bc if i send someone a message and they dont reply for an hour i forget what i asked them.
ill get onto it and will post the results soon
you used to be able to see sent msg's I think :?

I think I remember that being here o_o

I'd like to have it back though ;x
yeah you used to be able to do that, also you could select which messages you wanted to delete at that time. There was a box next to the msg
To add to this, ask ray if we can have a special option to ban all incoming messages, so we can avoid another post about noobs messaging whoevers.
ill bring it up. Just be patient Tongue
o_O_MIDORI_O_o Wrote:To add to this, ask ray if we can have a special option to ban all incoming messages, so we can avoid another post about noobs messaging whoevers.
I like this Big Grin

"This user is not accepting PMS at this time. Please try again later."

Big Grin
"This user is not accepting PMS at this time. "

lol @ red PMS :x


. <~ :x
Pages: 1 2