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Now I know there is quite a bit of time left but how are you slackers letting my level 38 A$$ be in first place? :lol: I declare open season on me. I just want a top 25 icon. :?
50 bucks should do the trick not bad for a 500 dollar ps3
Honestly dear your an open season. Good luck though
haha I think people misunderstood what I said. I got spammed with messages telling me not to get cocky. I'm not at all cocky. I stand 0 chance of winning this. I was just pointing out that Everyone must be slacking since I'm only level 38.

Now if I wanted to get cocky I would say something like....If I wanted to win again I woud. :wink:
how much did you spend?...
well i spent $25 in the first week but since then....$0. Just logging in every day and working my credits. :lol:
same here bro im only lvl 33 but i dont really care if i get it or not its my last session anyways but hey goood luck at the end bro
Haha....thanks I guess. I just wanna get a top 25 icon. It's just suprising that no one has taken advantage yet.
Yeah man, lvl doesnt really mean much. Lots of high lvl ppl waiting for the last day to make their move. Pointless being #1 right now, I was there for awhile, but if you try to pull away you just get HI'd til your down again. Pretty much meaningless at this point.

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