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Full Version: bring back the ORIGINAL recruiting
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or at least the recruiting algorithm that was used 4 the september-october 2003 round. it's stupid as hell that ppl can't gain more than a certain amount by recruiting, so all they do is kill im's and then go around taking every1 else's cuz they're stupid lil kids.

or u could just make it so that the closer a person's IM's r 2 100% happiness, the less likely they will actually leave u. if a bitch is 100% happy with ur cock and ur money (and we know that women aren't EVER happy), u really think she'd leave? espeically if ur offerin her import calendars?!?! paaaalease.
i recruited 216,000 models in a session back then Smile
the most i've recruited is 263,566..
in Game Period Jan 18, 2005 - Feb 10, 2005
yeah but see with those sessions panda you could keep recruiting, u werent limited to like 2k IM's you could recruit up to 50k IM's, it was intense
yea i think i saw gta3mobster with like 50k models at one point...what ever happened to that guy?
He is alive...and having a great life :ooo:

I agree with you Ed...hell must be frozen...but nothing was sweeter then making 160 mil per 1000 credits. That was at 1 cal = $2 not $5...so they might have to go back to the old $2 way...
Nah, they should keep it at $5 per calendar. Would make for much higher nets.
Also, I think i seen a few ppl with 100k+ models a few times.

More models + higiher net = more fun and might even encourage more spending too as you'd prolly need quite a few credits to recruit 50k+ IMs.
I could get 55k models with 2-3k depending on who was online and how fast I had to recruit them lol
cant do it with this 3k only jason

I bought 15k...worked 12 times...do the math :p
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