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how about..........

nope i got nothing....


thought i had an idea......

but it was just a waste of time
Winners Ang?
ill annoucne it later. Im busy
i already made my decision on who won. But i have to wait for raymonds decision.
This is my decision. Now waiting for raymonds.

These are my picks on who wins the prizes. There was 5 prizes, and only 5 serious players suggested anything.

1st 25k and membership for 1 month - sexyjdm
2nd 15k and membership for 1 month - victorious
3rd 10k - winterfell
4th 5k - agent_xx
5th membership for 1 month - mecca_boy

thats how i think they rank up with the ideas. Let me know if they seem right. You can change the winners if you want. But i made it simpler and put what seems to be the most efficient ones to the least.


Idea #1

Say, the main objective of this contest is to complete all 3 tasks within half a week (or the alloted time frame). You must get 100 HIs, 25 boosts, and 30,000 recruited models and the prize is...$25 bucks of credits? That would be the first place prize. Another prize could be given if there is also someone else who achieves this goal within the alloted time. If there isn't anyone who completes all 3 tasks, then the closest person will receive the prize. Then, if this happens, this voids the availability of a 2nd prize being given out, since no one reached the goal in time. These numbers/figures can be altered to fit your needs, or whatever you view as worthy of contest materials. Hope this one becomes something official, I think some would like it.

I proposed/thought of this idea, just to try and balance the playing field a bit more. Someone whose skilled in HI won't take all of it, since they might struggle in obtaining the 25 cars or 30,000 models. This can also help some to become a little more well-rounded, instead of just being a HIer or a racer even...just my idea.
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Idea #2

For those people who are racers, you might like this. Basically, the first crew to reach an average crew level of 20 within the first 35 hours of the game can win a certain increase in sponsorship rating. I believe everyone starts off at 5% rating, so how about having a 20% jump, so they'll end up with a rating of 25% rating within less than 48 hours of the new game period. However, if there are two crews that reach an average level of 20 within 35 hours, they can continue to duke it out to whoever reaches an average crew level of 30 in 15 hours after those 35 hours are up. Now, the crew whoever reaches this goal first, wins. They will receive a total of 40% increase to their rating, so they'll be up to 45% already with their sponsorships.



idea #1:

Most EXP gained in 24 hours. (Not levels)

SS your current EXP situation if you want to play at the beginning... Timestamp it and post it on here.

Race for 24 hours.... Retake the SS with what you have gained.

Actual EXP points is what matters (So it's fair across levels).

Prizes - 1st-20k 2nd-10k 3rd-5k

Idea #2:

First to steal a specified car list (I know, kinda like other CI Game).
Release a list of cars, maybe even in the right order to make it more difficult. You can prove it was stolen because hte game tells you if it's stolen or not. First person to complete the list, gets the prize. This could be done to different degrees of difficulty (Harder lists, higher lvl cars..)

Idea #3:

Say you want to see who can steal a certain amount in the lowest amount of attempts.

Ex: Tokk says, first to steal 10 billion.

I go and HI 19 times to get 10 billion dollars combined between them.

Someone else hits higher people, and gets it in 12 HI's.

Second person wins. First idea is better, but both could be implemented pretty easily with screenshots and it'd be fun I think.



Idea #1

lets say Angie builds and tunes a honda fit using random parts.... and in the end she produces a car with a PR: 211 (100%) HR: 123 PF: 479

the contest would be: whoever can match angies PR, HR, and PF the fastest after posting the specs that are needed to match...

Variations: First to match five cars or how many numbers, match the exact same part list (if thats possible) or whatever

i believe this contest would be fair for non spenders no?

note: unfair for non members if a memby car is chosen

Idea #2

well i'm sure about anyone else but whenever im online which is rare... live chat seems dead...

how about changing that? we could have quiz nights or something i dunno...

Appoint a quiz master... quiz master is in charge of preparing questions and asking them etc... keep a tally of who answers the question first and after set of questions whoever has the highest tally wins a small prize... in case of a draw have a sudden death or a best out of five

i know it hasn't got anything to with game play at all but i reckon it would be fun and competitive... as its not really much of a gaming contest i believe a membership would be the only prize if any... and of course bragging rights... the questions should be as such that the first person to answer it isn't the fastest typer on google.



Idea #1

okay my first idea for the contest would be to encourage more online play. offer a prize of 5k credits to the first person to hit 600 CREW MODELS next period.

the overall benifit to this idea is that it doesn't matter if the person is a member or not because Crew Models are earned the same for both.

Idea #2

To bring out more of the racing aspect of the game the contest should be like first person to 1000 wins and like 100 CMZ brought in.... the cmz make sure the are winning the races by being online and not just spaming offline races. also add a minimum of 5 Hi's

Idea #3

The contest is most Import Models.

Whoever has the most import models at the end of the round gets like 3 or 5k credits.

This will encourage people to try new cars and new parts. There are many more options for member cars, but there are a fair amount of cars for non members as well.



Idea #1

how bout have like a prize for ide like you give them a certain time limit and who ever car is fastest on the ide wins aprize cuz then u dont gota be a memeby prizes can be a memeby or credits the person chooses?

that fair for everyone level 1-20
20-30 and 30 and up?
Ang can you verify I will truly have this at startup?
Chad, if this actually goes through, meaning that Ray verifies the winners, then we might actually commence the plan that I was talking about...

Maybe, just maybe Wink
ooo i wanna know fill me in! fill me in!
cheers ray Big Grin and Angie... looking forward to these being implemented Big Grin
Thank you Angie, for "hosting" this contest, along with Ray as well. Thank you both.

Also- congrats to all the winners, we did it! Woo, if only 5 people tried in MC, I would've been the ultimate winner? LOL, just kidding, just kidding Tongue

Just like winterfell stated as well- would you tell us when you would implement our ideas into the game? I'd like to know Smile
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