anyone in here play wow these days.. if so wut relams horde aliiance..
hella gey ass game! like thes guys....>>>>
Smiddy Wrote:anyone in here play wow these days.. if so wut relams horde aliiance..
i played before. still kinda do, only for AH though, it got boring.. quit just when WoTLK came out. 7 70's.... all allies, i got only twink hordes and some lowbies.
always up for making new toons if partied up, i hate playing by myself, i leveld all my 70's grinding..... OMG
ha..never played the gaygame of wow...but ive seen it played by some dude for many hours out the day.
i use to play i had a warrior hunter level 35 i stopped though. My 2 week trial ended
I played this game two months back. Now i stopped playing this game. Thia game has good graphics and BG Sound.