Alright, Lets keep this real on topic and post "helpful" things for new players. Maybe we can get Lude and He Hate Me in here and we can get this new guide started.
this wouldnt be a kinda busy rite now but ill try and get on least for starting and playing the game for now...and ill add more to it later...ill probably try and add screen shots or sumtin to it too....
He hate me and I already have some general info saved in a word document but thats really all on him. I just figured if everyone posted something small in here n00bs could just read this thread and get a general overview.
It seems not a lot of people are going to contribute so....even though I'm new I can help out if you guys want me to. Just PM me ingame, forum, or MSN if ya need me.
as much as the game keeps changing i think it should wait till it actually stays the same if u know what i mean
HeartBeatStoper Wrote:as much as the game keeps changing i think it should wait till it actually stays the same if u know what i mean
ya thats what i was thinkin too
round after next im gonna put crew together to help "NooBs" so get at me