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easy with the big words...my edumacation only goes to how to milk a cow and how to churn butter. if i wanted to learn proper composition i wouldnt be in these forums reponding to everything you say

Reading your post has made me just a little bit dumber. Thanks for that. I don't think Cindy will accept that in her crew cuz she's got a background of good crews. You haven't seen your back since you found that cheeto stuck there.

Spelling pwned me right there.

ross is a sexy racer and honestly sells out of calendars all the timeS

ok really read that. ALL THE TIMES... wow you need to retake english 101.

im just that sexy that you cant be grammatically correct :p
I know how to spoke english. Just pointing out an instance of your habitual abuse of the language.
im not abusing the language...lepracy is a b!tch sometimes especially when its in my brain



ross is a sexy racer and honestly sells out of calendars all the timeS

oh and friday is hawaiian shirt day. so please feel free to wear shirts and shorts.

thank you
management staff

Composition isn't your strongsuit. haha
But that memo hasn't gotten to my desk yet. I think it has to get passed 8 managers..YES, 8 managers Bob. But yyyyyyeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh, I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday to race for Cindy...if she'll have you.

great movie

Hello, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports.
Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh, Bill talked to me about it.
Yeah. Uh, did you get that memo?
Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. The problem is, I just forgot this one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even a problem anymore.
Yeah. It's just that we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports *before* they go out now. So if you could just remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. All right!

that movie rox!!!
Now that's what I'm talkin about! At least someone gets the humor we're trying to bring.
Quick thing....damn you vegito! Slick and I were doing are best to get that 2nd page pwnage business. lol
i know...geez

you how much longer we have to think of crap to say to get to the next page?
That's for real. I can only handle so much of Slick's lepracy before seizures set in.
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