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Full Version: Question on leveling
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leveling to level 10 was relatively a breeze now I did almost 2x the races it took me to get to level 10 and I'm still not ready to level?
it gets harder to level as you progress levels
thank you cpt obvious but 10-11 takes longer than 1-10?
10-11 is pretty long, but 11-12 is REALLY short . . .
nikola Wrote:thank you cpt obvious but 10-11 takes longer than 1-10?

That was a little rude, considering he was just trying to help.
nikola Wrote:thank you cpt obvious but 10-11 takes longer than 1-10?

If its so obvious then why did you ask Cpt.Retard .. level 10 is really long to make people race harder to get past it,its a level that u have to race hard and quick otherwise u fall behind every1 and get losses so its basicly there as a challenge.
projectjdm Wrote:That was a little rude, considering he was just trying to help.

Who cares?
nikola Wrote:Who cares?
Let's start a flame on this kid???
Nothing further required.