Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: slickNSXy and KaibianSi
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What crew are you guys joining this session??????? you said you could help my crew out last session????......I think??? ummmmmmmmm if you can join my crew could you pm me or something so i know.........SmileThanks
cindys along with meh
ross, will back stab wahtever crew he gets in, hes liek that. you dont want him.
haha just playing boy, he rocks, and matt does two, they hitting cindys apparently
As of last round I'm in BB4L. I honestly don't know how much I'll be playing next round dude. But PM me or something and I'll see what's up.
you cant leave this game matt, you addicted
I like the racing/working aspect of this game...and depending on how the changes go about will depend on how much I actually play.
come on man
new rules and so on are out, now tell me you gonna leave...
Thanks for that Luke. I saw in here that the new changes were already out, but I'm such a noob and couldn't find them.
yea id say you dam n00b, haha
The following changes have been made:

1) Experience gained for offline races are less than online ones
2) Higher networth yields more experience gained per race
3) Top 10 Inflicted Damage statistic added to Game Stats page
4) RAD limit raised
5) No longer required to be within a certain PR to race for pink slips
6) Crew Messaging added
7) Crew Models are also lost if you run out of calenders
8) Crew Models limit raised
9) Import Models limit raised
10) Race spam time limit reduced to 8min
11) Crew Battles occur every hour, all pending Crew Battles will run on the hour
12) You can re-race the same crew every 2 hours
13) Import Models lost/gained is now displayed in Race History
these changes a good now you can see who lost the cms they need to have 1 so you can see how many the people made and how long guys are actually online kaibianSi i will still take you in my crew and i hope slick can join as well that would be greatly appreciated are you racing next session????? Cool
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