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Full Version: Congrats STOLEN For having the most icons now!
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miss you jon ^.^

hows life
guess_who Wrote:Yay congrats to all and NOW I HAVE THE MOST ICONS GET THAT UP YA TOKKIES!!!

Having the most icons means shit fool. You have earned them, but you also cheated along the way and lost respects and trusts from other players.
SSVegito Wrote:Side note:

Justin your list is missing you and Jdoggy

ahh, jdoggy. wish i was still in touch with all of these guys. it would be interesting to see how life is now. back then i was 21 years old and partying my life away. now I'm 31, married, and 2 kids lol
Tokkiez Wrote:miss you jon ^.^

hows life

Life is going great. Work is keeping me busier than I would like but hey they pay the bills.


I talk to jdoggy every now and again; the others have lost contact with unfortunately. Use to talk to rakim all the time even hung out with him a few times.

Oh back then I was just like you, now well no responsibilities other than house and car payment. Back then though it was a bunch of us around same age (except DanD ) doing same thing.
and again.
Now its to the point I almost don't even play games. I get on xbox every few weeks for couple hours. Or when its really crappy weather a little more often.

I need to remember to check here more often to check on people from old days.
teet Wrote:ahh, jdoggy. wish i was still in touch with all of these guys. it would be interesting to see how life is now. back then i was 21 years old and partying my life away. now I'm 31, married, and 2 kids lol

I know how you feel. I started playing this game when I was in high school because a friend introduced it to me. I played a lot back then but not anymore because it has changed not in good ways and I am busy with work and I have a son now.
SSVegito Wrote:Ang,
Life is going great. Work is keeping me busier than I would like but hey they pay the bills.


I talk to jdoggy every now and again; the others have lost contact with unfortunately. Use to talk to rakim all the time even hung out with him a few times.

Oh back then I was just like you, now well no responsibilities other than house and car payment. Back then though it was a bunch of us around same age (except DanD ) doing same thing.
and again.
Now its to the point I almost don't even play games. I get on xbox every few weeks for couple hours. Or when its really crappy weather a little more often.

I need to remember to check here more often to check on people from old days.

How are you doing buddy?
SSVegito Wrote:Ang,
Life is going great. Work is keeping me busier than I would like but hey they pay the bills.


I talk to jdoggy every now and again; the others have lost contact with unfortunately. Use to talk to rakim all the time even hung out with him a few times.

Oh back then I was just like you, now well no responsibilities other than house and car payment. Back then though it was a bunch of us around same age (except DanD ) doing same thing.
and again.
Now its to the point I almost don't even play games. I get on xbox every few weeks for couple hours. Or when its really crappy weather a little more often.

I need to remember to check here more often to check on people from old days.

Long time...pretty much what I was doing today...remembering the old days, and was thinking wtf is going on with MC.

Anyways, I havnt played since they ruined it, but back in the day. It was not only about skill, but it was about people skill. If you pissed off 1 person, you were done with. I remember late night raids to take the couple top players down, all to see them come back up the next day to try to take you down.

Hope everything is well, and I am planning on checking out these changes and seeing what the game is all about again.
modogg85 Wrote:Long time...pretty much what I was doing today...remembering the old days, and was thinking wtf is going on with MC.

Anyways, I havnt played since they ruined it, but back in the day. It was not only about skill, but it was about people skill. If you pissed off 1 person, you were done with. I remember late night raids to take the couple top players down, all to see them come back up the next day to try to take you down.

Hope everything is well, and I am planning on checking out these changes and seeing what the game is all about again.

Hey bro, how is it going? I agree with you. These changes really suck. When are you coming back?
modogg85 Wrote:Long time...pretty much what I was doing today...remembering the old days, and was thinking wtf is going on with MC.

Anyways, I havnt played since they ruined it, but back in the day. It was not only about skill, but it was about people skill. If you pissed off 1 person, you were done with. I remember late night raids to take the couple top players down, all to see them come back up the next day to try to take you down.

Hope everything is well, and I am planning on checking out these changes and seeing what the game is all about again.


How ya been man? Az still treating you decent? Hope ya doing well.

HAHA people skills we all know I lacked that lol I just knew how to ruin a person(s) session.


dont take this wrong but who are you?
teet Wrote:I'm sorry, but I literally laughed out loud. 70% of his icons were 1st place wins after me and ang quit and there were literally 5 people who played and non who came close to spending what he spends. 99% of angies are from playing against top players of the game.

All of those 2nd and 3rd place icons he has was when me and angie were playing.

Having the most icons does not make you the best player in the game. Every plan and strategy he uses in this game, he learned from other people. unoriginal and far from the best player ever. There were several players back in the day who made this game what it is and I would consider best that ever played. Over spending doesn't equal best.

Yes, it does bug me every time someone gives this clown props. He lies, cheats, and will eat his first born if it meant he could win a round.

Where is my recognition in this discussion?!
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