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All of the sudden the amount of money models are making me has dropped to almost nothing. I was at 80% happiness, and it dropped to 53% after a win and some working. I also keep losing crew models every time I work, even though I'm not part of a crew. My home page says I have -4 crew models.

[Image: 2BbHbPG.jpg]
There isn't a problem with the money earned when you work. The crew models issue is fixed.
Is something wrong with the happiness? I lost 30% happiness by working once
I worked again and lost another 20% happiness. Is this normal?
I'm still losing crew models working. I'm down to -9.
(03-11-2015, 01:47 PM)Xero Wrote: [ -> ]I'm still losing crew models working. I'm down to -9.

Should be fixed now.