Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: offline race notices
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 This isn't necessarily a bug but is there anyway that when you log on you dont have to wait 20 minutes for the Races that you raced offline, the people that tried to HI or steal from  you and got caught  to stop showing up? When I log on I get hit with all these so and so raced you... so and so hit you and got caught... and it goes on and on and on until the last one shows.
You no longer receive notices for offline races.
ok use to be 10x's above net and only 2x's below net to hi or steal so how come ppl can hi me that are more then 50x's my net is the hi,steal changed or is this a bug that needs to be addressed thanks
Cres fix the bug please its only working for one person and you know who it is or is it set up that way no one should be able to hi one they want in any range no limits for them but the rest of us all suffer from I t but its ok if not fixed he will only be playing his self and all the damn accounts he gets on we know this I sent you screen shots of it also we all quitting after this round all of us so good luck playing by your selves whats it gonna be like 5 ppl total is it worth the one cheater to you cres Thanks and have a Bless day