Firstly I think you should have a live chat to try get people talking. Nobody talks to no one, its so boring when your racing. Also a few times this session I was stuck, wasn't sure what car to buy or what parts etc, I mailed a few people and it took forever for someone to help. At least if you ask a question on a live game chat then anyone can help you rather than sending messages to everyone. Im sure new comers would really appreciate this. The game is so hard to learn from reading your gamers instructions, you need help from players.
Next thing is the multi accounts, I think you should have default racers. Liker racer 1 and racer 2 and racer 3 etc. Have about 20 or so. I think they should run a standard speed and be there for everyone to race and the cars on these accounts can not be stolen or HI, because lets face it no one wants to race each other incase you lose and wreck you W/L ratio.
To encourage people to only race the default racers you should offer more EXP from racing them. This will stop people making stupid accounts and targeting each other offline. It will encourage people to race more, (Especially new comers)
Last thing is you should be able to get out of your car, because not able to just allows someone who doesn't like you to race you offline and wreck your ratio and it just sucks the life out you and your not arsed racing anymore. Discourages people. I know there is only small number playing so you that again is why you need default racers to make up for it.
If I don't say so myself I think these are smashing ideas haha would improve game massively for sure, cant see any reasons why these ideas shouldn't and couldn't be implemented. It would certainly keep the small number playing more encouraged, well until you somehow recruit more players that is because at this rate the game might be gone soon I think.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for posting. I'm still not sold on bringing back live chat. There was too much BS and bullying going on there.
I am actually thinking about adding "bot racers" to the game like you mentioned and others have brought up in past discussions. What I would ideally like to do, is make it where EXP is only earned when racing the bots and when you're tuning. No exp for racing other players. I'm also thinking about getting rid of the PVP part too and only having a tournament style, round robin or random match-up for the PVP side of it. I believe these changes will eliminate the multi's altogether and more importantly, it changes the dynamic of the game so that you are no longer relying on other players to be in the game in order to advance your own account.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'm also considering getting rid of the Import Models/Cruising and changing it to where you can only earn cash from entering tournaments. The higher you place in the tournament, the more cash you earn.
I know what you mean about the live chat. But i cant think of any other ways of encouraging players to interact more with each other. The best part of the game for me when i use to play was chatting/playing with other players from around the world, loved the 15 man crew and having 8-10 players racing at once like a team of crew model hunting mad men. The crew chat use to be while funny to read at times, really good craic. We done most of our chatting through the crew chat at the time but you don't have that anymore either, it makes sense not to have it now because crews are so small and not enough players atm.
I can only imagine the live chat is an absolute pain to monitor and control because of the reasons you said but at the same time i think it will spark a bit of atmosphere into the game, i would definitely use it. You can only warn players not to abuse and if they do ban them from the live chat ONLY.
The ideas of bot racers is brilliant, i think you should get on that straight away. However
"I'm also thinking about getting rid of the PVP part too and only having a tournament style, round robin or random match-up for the PVP side of it"
I'm not sure what you mean by PVP, i assume you mean player v player haha. Anyways i am not sure how i feel about a tournament style game and im not sure what you mean when you say "round robin or random match-up for the PVP side of it" id need you to explain more before i can give an opinion. Also im not sure about taking import models and cruising away, that would be a massive change. Too much change is never good. People are afraid of change haha
I think you should for now roll with setting up bot racers for us, and allow us to get out of our cars. Maybe reconsider live chat. Just be firm and fair, they abuse they lose. Simples. Don't punish us all

Couple more things you could consider.
The "slips races" I think you should take it away altogether, it just encourages people to make multi accounts to either slip cars to and from to either get top slips icon or get out of there car. If you took this away and made bot racers and allowed us to get out of our cars then there would be absolutely no advantage to having multiple accounts. Would completely even out the playing field. I don't even think even think the slips count should be on stats board never mind giving someone an icon for it because it just who is the better cheater, there is no sense of achievement from it. I would far rather see someone get an icon for most races won, I know that person will get IDE but it will encourage people to race right to the end so the last few days are not so boring and lifeless. Also means if someone isn't as good as tuning and losses IDE to another person then they can still get an icon if they push on for most races won.
I think you could make a few changes to the crews, I think because there is such a small number playing the numbers should be reduced. I think 3-4 members max would be better. I think you should take away the crew wins part altogether, it means whoever wants to run for top crew has to get someone to set a crew up to lose to them, I don't see the point in this. It would be better if we had 2/3 crews with 3/4 players max in them going for top crew, should be a straight up highest crew bankroll wins. Simply means the crew who races the most to get crew models and works them the most wins. There is no way anyone can cheat or set up a crew mid session and try take over a crew that has been racing and working the full session. So again I think this would even out the playing field aswell as my above idea
I think this will make some icons tougher to get which is the way it should be. No one should get icons for cheating or being better at manipulating the system and game.
Thanks for reading again.
That's me for while haha
Thanks for the suggestions. We're still in the process of updating the game that include some of these ideas. It should be ready for the following game period.
(05-10-2015, 10:36 AM)Reebar Wrote: [ -> ]Next thing is the multi accounts, I think you should have default racers. Liker racer 1 and racer 2 and racer 3 etc. Have about 20 or so. I think they should run a standard speed and be there for everyone to race and the cars on these accounts can not be stolen or HI, because lets face it no one wants to race each other incase you lose and wreck you W/L ratio.
I am coming back to this game after a fairĀ amount of time. I tried messaging a few people who were online and no response, it would be nice to chat with the players and teaching each other things etc.
EDIT: Not sure why all my text looks super close together :S