Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: WiiCk3D_MiNdZ Crew
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If i made a crew. who would like to join
i was lvl 18 last session. had 2100 wins with a ratio of 96%. i need good players that can work and make cms. and can have a good ratio 90% or higher
JOIN WITH IHI KID we bout to do it BIG!
No thanks i want to run my own crew and see how i do
so any wanna would like to join
hey ill join i was lvl 17 goin on to 18
i have not seen u in a while
if the crew does not go as planned you know you got a spot in mine ese
with an .08 win loss lol
orale ese
i been busy playin thats y
my nick was DroopyUpInSmoke At The End
But the crew wont be up this new session because i will be in puff puff pass maybe next round but still lookin for ppl
no actually it was in the .70 i no that not great but hey i was HIn that session
not bad for all tha losses you had.............
i need racers so if ur plannin to race ur asses off ur in
i know we can make top 10 real easy
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