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Thanks ray

Well i did what you said about the membership and i got mine back thank you giving me mine back and too all you other who lost your's send a suppor ticket
Thanks mecca
mecca :postwhore:

So your the new one...
When I Fall Asleep You're All That I See, I Wish I Could Be All That You Mean To Me, My Angel Without Wings Smile

Rakim I love you <3

what lmfao i didnt get that :confused:
mecca :postwhore:

Confusedmirk: i got it
down monte
*squirts with water bottle*
*insert signature here*

still waiting...........

ok im still confused about the membership with paypal. i read morad's forum about it and everything but i dont get it. if i buy a membership (again) now will it only last 30 days? becase when i click on the upgrade button in game it says...

Membership Option:
The fastest way to get a head of the competition is to become a member. Not only do our valued members receive 40% more credits per time interval, their accounts also have the ability to have higher credit storage giving them the edge they need to win!!! NON-RECURRING ONE-TIME CHARGE of $6.00. Receive 1,000 bonus credits when you join!

is that just old and they havent updated or what? please explain it to me, thanks.
midnite is spelled wrong.

Non- Recurring means it will only charge you once and will last 30 days from date of purchase. If you already have time left from the last time you purchased you will still have that left before the next membership month of membership takes place.

thanks. its just that "non-reacurring" sounds like you only have to pay once, and never agian. ...but you have to pay once only for 30 days, then pay again.
midnite is spelled wrong.

correct while the other ones charge you $5 every month

oh, so paypal is more expensive than the other ones now monthly
midnite is spelled wrong.

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