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Victory Lane

Hey, I do not want to be a bearer of bad news, but come on. You guys put up a decent fight, but to go and talk about how yoru crew did so well and you got most wins/crew models is such BS. We raced 100 times harder than you guys, got to 35k crew models and just started working. Nobody has really raced in the crew since last saturday/friday. So yea you got more crew models than us, and you had more wins than us, but you raced for twice as long as we did....so you go....
[Image: 30.png]

ima be honest with u... u guys had the exp bonus from day 1.... which lvls u guys a lot quicker and u get to stop racing a lot earlier... we had to race twice as hard juss to lvl to try to get to 56 and 57.... u guys did really good this session but it had a lot to do with u holding the exp bonus the whole session.

C__A__S__P__E__R in MIAMI....:postwhore:

I can not deny that fact, you are 100% right, I will say that you, and summit did a good job keeping up. I was like WTF how they beating me right now, but it happens. With the races won and so forth, to me it seemed like your whole crew started racing around day 5 of the session, instead of day 1.
[Image: 30.png]

modogg85 Wrote:I can not deny that fact, you are 100% right, I will say that you, and summit did a good job keeping up. I was like WTF how they beating me right now, but it happens. With the races won and so forth, to me it seemed like your whole crew started racing around day 5 of the session, instead of day 1.
Are you being a sore winner?
Because we aren't being sore losers.

Is their such a thing as a sore winner. I was just responding to the comment in your crew chat. Thats it. Nothing more nothing less. You guys had a worried their for a few days, and I said my peace about the situation.
[Image: 30.png]

No 1 can be sore loosers.

We kept that 2x exp bonus, Tyler did, Because we where determined to get vaughn his top crew bagde....
We did race hard, but same goes too you guys, all you guys could do is race,
And yes of course your wins and cms will be alot more, because just to get to level 58 you have to have alot of wons....

Good work all. No bitching man.
Modogg, we showed them up, so dont worry

modogg85 Wrote:Hey, I do not want to be a bearer of bad news, but come on. You guys put up a decent fight, but to go and talk about how yoru crew did so well and you got most wins/crew models is such BS. We raced 100 times harder than you guys, got to 35k crew models and just started working. Nobody has really raced in the crew since last saturday/friday. So yea you got more crew models than us, and you had more wins than us, but you raced for twice as long as we did....so you go....
does this include watching your crew logg on 1 at a time working and sighning off.....this game will never change but will always kickass....hickup* damn the booze


HeartBeatStoper Wrote:does this include watching your crew logg on 1 at a time working and sighning off.....this game will never change but will always kickass....hickup* damn the booze

Your wrong actually,
We had it all planned every 4 hours we have to come online.
We where pretty much all logging on and off at the same time.

UNKNOWN_NZL Wrote:Uhhhhhhmmmm,
Your wrong actually,
We had it all planned every 4 hours we have to come online.
We where pretty much all logging on and off at the same time.
you all owned either way u put it.....57bill at the end is just sick....congrades


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