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Okay someone explain something to me please?

calder12 Wrote:It's actually my understanding that when the bugs are worked out of TS that MC is next on the list. They did this before, put a lot of time and effort into changing up MC and didn't bother with TS.

To be honest I think we should be thankful they do it like that, it allows them to focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to put out fires on both games at the same time.

I think everyone that knows how the game works is impressed with Young Guns. The one thing I'd like to see though is rather than them splitting and going their separate ways because top teams recruit them, stay together and prove themselves. Yeah the prize credits are nearly impossible to overcome, but people come and go, one person decides to take a break from the crew and it really only takes one racer with a deep wallet or prize creds to put them over the top.

In fact aren't they a racer shy of the max anyways?

I was in Young_Guns, then I logged on the other day and I was no longer a member. I didnt get booted so im guessing my little brother got on my account and kicked me out. All great guys and hopefully I can join them again next session.

My personal thoughts on everything that has been said is, until Ray and Crew actually post here saying they will give MC an overhaul, I dont believe that anything in here will get read. Which sucks because everyone who has posted in here has great ideas.

Also, I HATE the fact that the 1st place and top crew get more exp, thats COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT! :thumbsdown: Seriously! Why the fuck do the best players in the game get an EVEN better advantage than everyone else? And the whole top crew thing, its fucking stupid! How many fucking top crew medals does Dyna have, along with every other vet? I really tried hard to race this session but I did start late and I work and go to school so I dont have much time but the time I do have I try to place as much as I can. When I log on and see that everyone in my crew (young_guns) is really working their ass off and still getting no where, its VERY discouraging because there is NO way in fucking hell we could of caught up to ACID unless we dropped some dolllllllazzzz. And the whole racing thing, SUCKS! Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, its soooo annoying and there is no way to catch up to Calder (who said he got to lvl 56 in 2 days, which is fucking amazing might i add, props!).

I DO agree with Rom30 though, 4 man crews, redo the way cms work and stuff.

/end rant.

Messages In This Thread
Okay someone explain something to me please? - by projectjdm - 04-06-2009, 03:49 PM

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