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Automatic accept/decline

Don't know if this has been said already, but how bout making a setting that you can pick to auto accept/decline incoming races? That way, if youre working/tuning/whatever you can auto decline without it getting in the way and if you want to accept all races, you dont have to worry about losing RAD if you gotta go to the bathroom or something. Just a thought.

thats a great idea cause i do all that work the lose it when i try to tune my car. i Like it!

Hrm... A Good one...
Back Like Cooked Crack

this used to be legal on MC a while back..
Raymond said no more macros/bots.. so..
its no more macros/bots >_<
i have stopped using mine for MC..
certain others haven't.. but they've been dealed w/..
dont use them!!!! :evil:
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

THEY ARE EVIL!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
[Image: steamby4.th.gif]

They are? dammit :evil:

EDVurd Wrote:Don't know if this has been said already, but how bout making a setting that you can pick to auto accept/decline incoming races? That way, if youre working/tuning/whatever you can auto decline without it getting in the way and if you want to accept all races, you dont have to worry about losing RAD if you gotta go to the bathroom or something. Just a thought.

Or..Yourself can accept races too! :oops:

whats so hard about clicking a botton? lol and bots do that for you but there illigal

I'm not saying it's hard I just mean if something quickly distracts you and you can't logout for whatever reason I dunno and you can choose to accept all incoming automatically.

i kinda like it but then again, LOOPHOLES...
[Image: Midori_Fairy_by_buttonnose.jpg]

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