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Alright this part of the game has gotten pointless. It serves no purpose other than to get on the higher level players nerves honestly. Now don't get me wrong, on occasion a player has pinked me a nice car that really helped out. Pete and Tyler come immediately to mind. But randomly messaging someone with "yo can I get a Rover?" is annoying. 90% of these requests come from people I don't know, and are never likely to try hard enough to get the level required for these cars on their own.

Someone explain to me the point of pink slips? They are very rarely if EVER used to have a fair race to see who is faster. So why do we have it? Experience is set up now to force you to face equal opponents, so the whole never accepting races you might lose is partially gone. But why do we have level 6's running around in rovers? If you want one, RACE, LEVEL, and buy one dammit!

Hell I am far from the fastest leveler in the game, Mike and Tyler beat me to 35 by 10 days lol, if I had to suffer with an s2k for the entire time until I hit 28 so be it!

So, get rid of pinks, they serve no purpose in the game. If you want a rover BUY one, if you can't make 28 too damn bad.

dont do it ._________.
why? uhunno :?

i just like pink slips Big Grin
no i agree with it, i mean i like helping out friends but the people begging then calling me names when i wouldn't give everyone a rover or GT3 was crazy
well...the point of the pink slips races arent really to be giving cars away is it?...isnt it to make races more exciting by knowing that if u lose, u lose ur car?...
i dont know how, but there needs to be a way to avoid being able to give away cars, even i was asked by a lot of people for cars. i would like to see racing for money to come back, but then there just another way to cheat. this game has really gotten away from racing, its all about the money now, and while it is fun, it was more fun back when racing was what everybody did
gettin rid of pinks is a good idea just i see a few bad things that come along with it.....but i do like the idea.......
i wonder how many ppl would have gotten the rank that they did had there been no pink slips...not too many i bet
Eh win or lose has 0 to do with experience, it is the ratios that are affected, adversely for those that can't get a car and positively for those that can. The point is there is no need for pink slips, run what you can build I say. Hell it only takes what 19-20? To max out an s2k anyways
Yeah there is no point of pinks now
There used to be all these people who sleeper and it was fun then but not now
Why not make it so that you can't drive a car that you aren't at the level required for that particular car. That is, to be able to drive a Rover, you need to be level 28 or above. That way, even if you can still pinks a Rover to a lower level, they can't drive it until they reach level 28 anyway.
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