Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: These two things need to be done.
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1st- Get rid of AP, it does absolutely nothing right now, you get no cm's and i think you get no exp either? Yeah it shows that alot of people are online but in reality there not and its not like its helping the game. When there was no AP there was atleast over 100 people online that would be actually racing. and This game is a racing game overall.

2nd- Bring back double races, one race per session is horrible, i think even TS has double races? I have no clue why they got rid of the double races in the first place cuz it was a horrible change and double races need to come back because than it would actually give crew members and other players an incentive to stay logged in and racing instead of the numbling 1 race per sess cuz thats fricken HORRIBLE

PS: I got love for all of you.
I completely agree. I came back on the other day to check out the game, it just keeps getting worse. Its a joke on how much stuff has been added and makes the game less appealing, well at least for me.

Of course any poll given im sure everyone would always say to go back to an older version.

Im not here to diss the game because of course its great, it just needs changes to go back to older versions.
its only 1 race per ap because there was a bug for it.

Although thanks for the input, well take it into consideration
i agree needs to have double racing atleast online racers where 1 u can accept and 2 u still can send out one

and yes all ap does atm is help with ur ratio about it after u have reached high lvl's neway
i agree all the way Big Grin [/b]

no reason to bring back old threads. Sorry to say this but it looks like AP will be around for awhile atleast