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Full Version: Can you ad more cars
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amm i tought about it it will be much and much funner with 5 cars more then what we have now plz...
...and then this idea has been brought up atleast 10 times.

DO some searching!
i agree with this idea. i remember when i started playing there were so many cars. of course i was too poor/not high level enough to get them. but now i know how to play and i would like to enjoy them. please bring them back c-speed i will love you forever. oh, and introduce engine swaps for the fun of it too :grin:
You still wont be at a high enough level for some of the cars. Some require levels 23, 24, 25, 30, ect... And I dont think anyone will get those levels untell the exp changes or they race there @$$ off....
y to bring the best cars bring all kinds of cars like....
i dont care...level 17 is still pretty good and i could get some decent cars...i just hate driving this damn toyoto, imaginary or not
Maybe a though for next Session..
unlock all the cars.. just keep the ones for the members ones for the members..
and dont knwo y i cant driver the lancher?its sucks because what we can drive?toyota?all here with honda and toyota tnx alot only the ford and bmw and porsh is good and in there you have cars that only for members what we can drive?
I think more cars should be added for sure, maybe some real cars not all this rice runners... american still means the best cars in the world..
Well, unless you go all the way back to the 60~70s and before, there really isn't any "American" cars per se. How many "AMerican" cars are made in Mexico or Canada? There are 2 Honda plants that I know of here in Ohio, 1 in Marrysville and the other in East Liberty.
Ofcouse I'm being technical beyond belief, but I'm just saying.....
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