Midnite Challenge Forums

Full Version: ~ Few of my Ideas O_o
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how bout if your going to do a mvp for top crew member why not let the crew members of the top crew decide who the mvp of the crew was, cause stats don't show everything, there are guys who work and race there fellow crew mates accounts while there out of town or whatever and that wouldn't show up on the stats
that should that right of the leader and the co-leader if they make that in affect. but i say they should bring back crew messaging so that we can message our crew other than messaging one at a time. i do like the crew vote for first, second, and third mvp on the crew that would be awesome but i say if you leave than you should lose your mvp's from that crew
yeah i tihnk i agree, making the crew decide for mvp, i really hope they do bring in this icon, woudl make great players stand out, i can think of alot of deserving players
this icon would get many lazy asses racing again Tongue *cough *cough
i agree with almost all ya ideas there R2R ... and koff *bring back Black_Widow* koff
if randy brought back blackwidow i would be down with joining that crew
and make a co-crew leaders who can accept and send crew races. but nothing else...
yeah i do want co-leaders to come to mc that would make the game pretty fun i think.
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