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is there anything that can be done?

not sure if ray or anyone will see this but i hope so. There are many people on MC that use macros. is there anything that can be done about this? it simply comes down to its not fair. ex: i race for 6 hours straight and get however many cms. yet someone who is using a macro gets what i get x4 everyday. how am i supposed to compete? this isnt the first session that they have been around and everyone knows it i dont know if i will get any back-up on this but i have had enough and am finally saying something. i have never spent on the game, but have had a memeby bought for me and i was thinkin about spending a few sessions ago if i can get a prepaid card but i have beent hinking why when i dont have a macro and still prolly cant even make top ide's or first. macros are ruining the game for those withoput macros there is no point to race we havae no chance. and no-one is going to tell you they ahve a macro or explain how to get one they dont know if your going to rat them out or not. maybee im being a little baby so be it i dont care someone needs to say something about it and i am. but can someone let me know if anything is going to be done about this or even can?

Messages In This Thread
is there anything that can be done? - by stock_honda - 08-02-2007, 05:55 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by modogg85 - 08-03-2007, 12:21 AM
is there anything that can be done? - by TheJMan - 08-05-2007, 09:26 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by modogg85 - 08-06-2007, 02:32 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by Etter24 - 08-06-2007, 09:45 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by modogg85 - 08-07-2007, 03:37 AM
is there anything that can be done? - by LuDe - 08-07-2007, 05:04 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by Valorn - 08-07-2007, 07:03 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by modogg85 - 08-08-2007, 12:15 AM
is there anything that can be done? - by Valorn - 08-08-2007, 10:49 AM
is there anything that can be done? - by TheJMan - 08-08-2007, 04:51 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by TheJMan - 08-08-2007, 07:41 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by TheJMan - 08-08-2007, 07:51 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by monteman - 08-08-2007, 09:52 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by Etter24 - 08-09-2007, 02:06 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by monteman - 08-09-2007, 08:25 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by modogg85 - 08-09-2007, 10:36 PM
is there anything that can be done? - by TheBoss - 08-14-2007, 01:38 PM

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