If any new players would like any help with the game,just hit me up.
I can help in racing, tuning and general advice and tips in game play.
However i cannot help in Stealing of any kind, due to the fact i cannot do it myself.........
I may not be the best or considered an elite player but i think i could help out new players with getting a better grasp of the techniques required to at least advance in this game.
My IGN name is SUMMIT, this past round i was Savatage.
My MSN is "
[email protected]"
LOL how nice of you.
Yeah same here, hit me up if your having trouble with anything i guess.
Racing, tuning, boost, IDE
(i might even tune IDE for you since im bored, no matter which category)
my In Game Name is im_a_n00b
(ask for my email if you require a lot of assitance else just send us a msg)
If I'm online... I can do most of the game for you if you aren't a dick while asking.
My ign name is same as here.
man i need the help but for some odd reason i cant install Man messenger:confused:.........
but i do have AIM
my Sn: racerx510236
my in game is: Need_jdm
I'm pretty shure of yall see my name in the IDE,running slow times
Im just a Noob Trying to make a come up i understand most of the stuff mostly like the dyno and how to work but the TNT gets me stumped..i want to learn the skills of HI,CJ,And model Recruiting.HOOK ME UP DAWG!!!!!!!!
I NEED HELP will you teach me how to play summit(kelly) please.. how do you get past level 5? my ign is phaze..thx hope to hear from you soon
Summit_Racing Wrote:If any new players would like any help with the game,just hit me up.
I can help in racing, tuning and general advice and tips in game play.
However i cannot help in Stealing of any kind, due to the fact i cannot do it myself.........
I may not be the best or considered an elite player but i think i could help out new players with getting a better grasp of the techniques required to at least advance in this game.
My IGN name is SUMMIT, this past round i was Savatage.
My MSN is "[email protected]"
JDM ill install aim and add you.
Phaze (Pat) stfu....lol your the one who helped me learn how to play this game man.......
Good to see you buddy!!!!!!!!!
If Pat taught Kelly, I'm going to say you're not going to want his help.

Victorious Wrote:If Pat taught Kelly, I'm going to say you're not going to want his help. 
LOL vic..just cause you suck and still cant manage to play this game you have to urge to bash others. what can you possibly teach anyone when you are worse then ppl that log on for the first time. Go suck more dick plz
hey pat is saints....
chill with the talking shit.....
im tired of reading shit talking all the time.....
but on the other note you coming back to play again???
PHAZE_____________1 Wrote:LOL vic..just cause you suck and still cant manage to play this game you have to urge to bash others. what can you possibly teach anyone when you are worse then ppl that log on for the first time. Go suck more dick plz
Just because very few people are willing to devote their lives to a game...
Doesn't make them bad? I believe we've had this conversation before Pat, and I've proved that I have as much knowledge about the game as anyone. Just because I don't spend my life playing it, doesn't take away from what I know.
Not to mention, your English physically makes my eyes bleed.
As Saint said, can't we all just get along? I'd like to sing Kumbaya?